Typographic Biomorphic: Can Demic

August 16, 2014 / no comments

Can Demic Illustration

Can Demic Illustration

This single color  illustration is entitled “Can Demic”  and the name pretty much implies what the artwork expresses.  It is an introspective piece that explores the nature of commerce and culture.  The main character is Santa Claus with a British wig. He is  popping out of a chimney atop an Aztec pyramid bearing gifts.  The pyramid is perched on an hourglass with blood replacing the sands of time.  To the right is the symbols of currency US dollar and British Pound unified and surrounded by a circular chain.  Santa Clus is holding a pop can labeled “Can Demic” with a syringe in his left hand and flashing the peace sign with his right. Meanwhile soldiers and artillery shells are falling below.  Toward the bottom, the design breaks into a pool of scattered icons, text and line.